All About Hair Drug Testing in India

Bad influence, trauma, past memories, media, and television are some common factors responsible for growing cases of drug abuse. The conventional drug testing method often becomes useless when the drug has been cleared from the body. In such cases, one can find out if a family member or a loved one has been into drugs with the help of hair drug testing. A Drug Hair Test involves collecting hair samples from individuals and analyzing them for traces of drug substances by any given individual. Hair sampling is non-invasive and non-embarrassing. For a Hair Drug Test, several strands are cut from the tested person’s head. Generally, the hair samples are collected from the back of the head and close to the neck to avoid any visible signs.

Types of Drug Tests

  • Hair Drug Test 
  • Nails Drug Test

Hair Drug Testing:-

Hair drug testing is a drug screening test to detect the presence of a drug & its metabolites in the hair of the person. This test works by identifying the metabolites of drugs that enter the bloodstream and are carried to different parts of the body, including the hair. The test can tell what drugs a person has used in the past and for how long they have been using them. Hair grows about 1 cm/month, and the Drug Hair Test can detect drug use in a person for up to 12 months.

Nails Test:-

If a person has minimal hair or cannot cut it due to religious reasons, a nail drug test is a suitable alternative for drug testing. While it cannot provide a segmented pattern of drug use like Hair Drug Testing, it can still offer a general idea of drug use for up to 12 months.

How long do drugs stay in the hair?

  • Drugs can stay in the hair longer than other body fluids like urine or blood.
  • The detection window depends on the type of drugs, frequency of use, and the length of the hair sample collected.
  • Generally, drugs can be detected in hair samples for up to 3 months after the last use.
  • However, some drugs can be detected in hair samples for up to 12 months or even longer in heavy users.

Hair drug tests are often used in workplace drug testing and forensic investigations as they provide a long period detection window compared to other types of drug tests.

Benefits of drug test for hair

A hair drug test is a type of drug hair test that uses a small sample of hair to identify drug use over a longer period of time. Hair drug tests have several benefits over other types of drug tests. 

1. Accurate results: Hair drug tests are among the most accurate forms of drug testing. They can detect drug use for up to 12 months, depending on the length of the hair sample.

2. Non-invasive: Unlike other drug tests that require blood or urine samples, hair drug tests are non-invasive. They are painless and do not require any special preparation.

3. Comprehensive: Hair drug tests can screen for all types of drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, opiates, methamphetamine, and more.

4. Harder to cheat: Hair drug tests are more complicated than other forms of drug testing. It is hard to tamper with hair or nails, and the sample can be taken under supervision to prevent cheating.

5. Longer detection window: Hair drug tests can detect drug use for a more extended period than other tests. This makes them ideal for detecting drug use.

6. Easy to collect: A hair sample can be collected in minutes. It does not require any special equipment or training.

7. Workplace safety: Employers want to ensure their workplaces are safe for everyone. To ensure that, some of them use hair and tests. These tests help them check if their employees are using drugs that might affect their work performance or put other people at risk.

Why do these tests with DNA Forensics Laboratory?

DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. is a specialized and renowned DNA testing company in India. They also offer various Drug Screening Tests, like Drug Hair Tests and drug screening tests. Their tests are highly accurate and reasonably priced. They also offer ready-to-use Drug Testing Kit for homes, which one can buy online to detect recent drug use in their loved ones.

Published by DNA Forensics Laboratory

DNA Forensics Laboratory is one of the best Most Accredited DNA Testing Laboratory in India. We provide the best services for DNA Test in India.

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